Thursday, August 16, 2007

I made it!!! By Vegas Art Guy

YES! I will be substituting in the fall! I am very very excited to say the least. My application has been in review since the 6th of August and with school starting on the 27th I was very very nervous.

The main reason for this is that you have to explain to the school district any terminations or disciplines in your professional life. Well I had the twofer from the same company, AVW-Telav who not only wrote me up but fired me for no stated reason in January of 2003. To be honest I think this was an honesty test from the school district because I could have lied and said everything was fine. After all the only question that a company can legally answer is if you're eligible for rehire or not.

I made a huge leap of faith and was honest about what happened at my former employer and wrote them a letter explaining why I got fired. I figured that God would not have had brought me this far just to toss me off the cliff. But then again maybe there was some lesson regarding perseverance I still needed to be taught. Needless to say I had lots of sleepless nights.

Now I can get some valuable experience in the classroom while I am getting my teaching degree.

Thanks to Navy Blue, Clever and everyone else who has been cheering me on. It means tons...