Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ch ch ch ch Changes!

Change is the only constant. Now instead of reading my musings, opinions and other assorted thoughts I am very honored to say that there will be another author helping to keep the desert a glowing. Navy Blue is going to be adding her 2¢ in on a (hopefully) regular basis. She's smart as a whip and is gracious enough to accept my invitation to put her thoughts on screen for all to see. I'll let her add any other details about her she feels like adding.

Be warned, I will not tolerate any abuse here, there are plenty of war zones that masquerade as blogs and forums for that kind of crap. I don't mind dissent, discussions or debates. I don't even mind a good dose of sarcasm from time to time, but I can and will delete abusive comments on this blog.

If you want to play, play nice.